Tommy's plaque that will be installed on the main entrance to the barracks specifially dedicated to him.

This is the barracks that will have the bronze plaqe that was dedicated to him on 11 April, 2015

On April 11, 2015 at Camp Shelby one of four new barracks was dedicated to Tommy. There were four seperate barracks with 4 wings on 4 floors each. The ceremony was moving with his commanding officer Col. John Rodes being present. Col Greg Michel who had just taken command of Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center. Major General Augustus L Collins, Adjutant General of Mississippi spoke and presented the four bronze placque in an unvailing to the four families. After the unveiling everyone was invited to visit the new barracks and tour the new facilitiy. U.S. Represenative of the 4th District who is member of the Mississippi National Guard also spoke. Pedro De Jesus who was a senior when Tommy was a freshman at Virginia Military Institute, Kery Hatcher and others who served in Iraq with Tommy were present. We were especially honored to know that a National Guard Armory was first slated to be named for Tommy and the engraved placque had already been cast when that Armory was targeted to be closed. They decided to not do that because of the impending closure and name one of the new barracks. The training complex can hold two brigades up to 1600 soldiers. The barracks are state of the art with all the modern conviences.
Everything moved so fast that I wanted to meet with many who I didn't get to. However I had to remember it was for Tommy not me. In the evening we had dinner with Pedro, Kery, his wife Allison, and son Jack along with my sister-in-law Patti.
Thank you to all who made this possible and those who attended especially Tim Powell who with his staff of public relations who brought this all together.
There were many who wanted to be there but due to circumstances beyound their control keep them from attending.
I can't believe it's been 8 years. He was so kind to me at VMI. Children, it would be so great if you could honor the memory of your father by simply being kind to others in times of adversity. That is what he did. He would be so proud of you. jb
Every year Linda bought a special theme CHRISTmas ornament. Tommy's were toy soldiers. This year in their new home Danielle and Alexandra have a CHRISTmas tree outside their bedrooms. On that tree are all those toy soldier ornaments. Alex told grandma this is their third CHRISTmas without their dad. They are still very much in grief.